Grade 2-3 Beginning to Intermediate ESL/ELL
Content Object:
Students can understand the food pyramid
Students can categorize food to different group of pyramid properly.
Students know the proper servings they need per day from different group.
Students can design a healthy meal for themselves
Language Object:
Students know vocabulary for food names.
Students can describe the taste of food.
Students can describe their favorite food.
Building Background:
Building Background:
-Begin the unit by discussing students’ breakfast or dinner of last night. Write down students’ response on the blackboard.
-Give students a food list with pictures. They have to rethink what they ate yesterday and circle the food they had on the food list. If they cannot find the food they had, they can draw it on the blank area of the paper.
-Talk about their food preferences and review some food names they already know.
-Introduce the food pyramid and put them on the blackboard.
-Introduce five groups of food in the pyramid.
-The teacher put the food students mentioned earlier into the right food group.
Links to Students’ Past Experience:
-Introduce vocabulary for different tastes such as bitter, sweet, sour, salty and spicy.
The teacher can use pictures of food to help students understand each vocabulary word. Students can try to look for food that is salty, sour, bitter, sweet or spicy.
-Invite students to talk about the taste of their favorite food. Compare and contrast the food taste.
-Give students a copy of the food pyramid.
-Watch a short video about food pyramid and nutrition.
-Watch a short video about food pyramid and nutrition.
-Explain the foods which make up the base should be the biggest part of a diet, and as you go up the pyramid, the amounts get smaller as the pyramid gets skinner.
-Talking about the serving they need to get from each food group.
- Help ELL students expand their vocabulary to include other adjectives which describe food such
creamy, crunchy, chewy, crispy.
creamy, crunchy, chewy, crispy.
- In cooperative groups have students conduct blindfolded taste tests of different cereals. Make a
graph to indicate the students’ favorite cereal. Help students use the previously learned vocabulary
to describe each kind of cereal. Help them read the labels on the cereal boxes. How many calories
does each type have? What is the percentage of sugar content? Help students distinguish which
cereals are healthy.
graph to indicate the students’ favorite cereal. Help students use the previously learned vocabulary
to describe each kind of cereal. Help them read the labels on the cereal boxes. How many calories
does each type have? What is the percentage of sugar content? Help students distinguish which
cereals are healthy.
-Give students a blank food pyramid and students have to check the food which they circled on the
food list and discuss which food group it belongs to.
food list and discuss which food group it belongs to.
-Group students in four and they are going to discuss if the meal they had yesterday reached the daily
requirement nutrition. The teacher helps the students who have difficulties on sorting food group.
requirement nutrition. The teacher helps the students who have difficulties on sorting food group.
-Talk about the food group they didn’t reach the serving requirement or over ingested and discuss
how to improve it.
how to improve it.
-Build-a-meal-game. Go to this website group students according to their gender.(Four students in a group) Each group gets one pad and they have to choose their age, gender, and activity amount. They need to prepare the meal of breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner for a day based on the food nutrition.
-After they finished, each group share menu to the class.
-Assessment: Print out this worksheet.
Students need to match the right food with the right food group.